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On February 9th Moon said....


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''RCMP - psst, don't tell anybody: we didn't want to include it in the official press release just yet, but it looks like the game will ship with a mission editor. You won't be able to do all new maps most likely, but will be able to create entirely new missions with the dozens of maps the game ships with.

Once this gets official, we'll send out a new news item later this month.''

Then on February 27th he said

''We're planning to include a mission editor in the initial release, yes, but it's not 100% certain just yet if it will be possible to implement.''

So with all these rumours of an April release I was just wondering if the Editor question had been resolved.

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You see now, this is what happens when Moon tries to keep us in the loop. Somebody goes and starts a thread saying, 'hey Moon said so and so..now where is it?". The very thing he tries to avoid. But Bruce is just asking and not bitching, not yet anyway. So how about it, will it be in? :confused:

My guess, if it hasn't been announced yet, then odds are it's not ready for release. Of course I hope I'm completely wrong. tongue.gif

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