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Theatre of War, and it's inclusion of Luftwaffe soldaten...


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This is a purely selfish question, as both the Luftwaffe as a whole, and the various Luftwaffe infantry units (Fallschirmjager, Luftwaffe Field Divisions, and the Fallschirm-Panzer-Korps HG) are a keen interest of mine.

So, my question is what types of Luftwaffe soldiers, if any, are included in the game. In other words, can you play quick battles, or campaigns where you field Luftwaffe infantry from the various units it employed during WW2? If so, which ones, and what types are available?

I know this question is a hard one, as access to the game by most is prohibited. But, if the game developers could shed any light on the subject, it would be much appreciated by me.

Btw, I have high hopes for this game, as it really looks great. With Battlefront.com behind it, it's really got me interested in it, as they only push quality products.

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