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Strange graphics problem..

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Since I updated to CM:BB version 1.3 I have noticed some weird corruption in certain parts of the game.. It doesn't seem like the corruption extends to the 3D portion of the game, only the info bar at the bottom of the interface and the unit info screen.

I took some screenshots to show the problem.. Sorry for the large size but when I tried scaling them down I noticed that you could no longer see the glitches.




Has anyone ever seen this sort of problem? At first I figured it could be a video driver problem but I have since updated and the errors are still apparent.

As I said, the problem has only been occurring since I updated to v1.3 - strange really but at least I can still play smile.gif Any advice would be appreciated.

[ September 14, 2003, 12:45 AM: Message edited by: Matthew King ]

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Originally posted by TufenHuden:

I'd say either the card or driver :eek:

The card is fine and I have updated my drivers.. My other machine uses the same drivers and doesn't have a problem. The only thing that has changed is the patch level.

It kinda looks like it could be a font problem as the corruption seems to be entirely limited to the on-screen text.. I am not sure how CM:BB handles text tho, so that could be a royally dud idea.

I guess I could install a fresh copy of CM:BB to a new directory check that works fine and then patch it up untill it breaks. Atleast that would settle the question of what caused the problem - if a fresh install exhibits the same problem right off the bat then I guess it could be something more sinister in which case I might have to try downgrading DirectX to version 8.

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Originally posted by wwb_99:

Saw that once, on one overclocked GPU I had. CM was the only game it had issues with.


Wow! A signature that is actually usefull smile.gif

I found a problem that sounds somewhat similar to the one I am having (relating to the GF4 card and insivible / scrambled text) in the 3D Wargamer CM Knowledge Base.. I will try turning off Anti-Aliasing for the duration of the game and see if that gives an improvement.

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