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Tell us about the "AI" / Single Player games


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First, just going from the screenshots and what information and Q&A already posted, wow, I have to say this looks very very good.

When considering what AARs to publish I would love to see some on single player games. It's fascinating to read AARs by the CM community going at it hammer and tongs too, like back in the early BTS days, but a seeing how the game plays in solo mode,(which is how a lot of customers spend their time playing the games), would be very interesting too.

So far in general how does the computer do in solo game play?

Like most games in solo play there are a few surprises at first, then after some amount of time a pattern of emerges. Have you had a chance to play long enough to evaluate long term appeal as far as against the computer AI goes?


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Obviously anything we say will be looked upon as biased since unfortunately such claims are now pretty much standard, but the single player AI is really impressive. From pathfinding to behaviour, we have so far been pleasently surprised on all accounts bar none. Infantry will use terrain and cover, watch its flanks, choose targets intelligently and so forth.

One of the very first things I did was order a couple of tanks to cross a river over a bridge and, holding my breath and sort of expecting the in-famous CC-dance'o death watched happily as the units arranged the passage without a fuss.

Long-term challenge is of course difficult to predict because humans can learn and the AI cannot. But in general the missions are so well balanced (and at the same time randomized) that in several replays of the same scenario I have had all sorts of results. Due to the strong RPG element in the game (individual soldier characteristics, promotions, abilities etc.) I presume that even if we would not provide anything besides the canned missions, replayability is far above standard, and that includes the challenge from the single player AI in its current forum.

Kudos to the dev team!


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