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Apple Cinema Display Probs

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I'm totally impressed with the tech savvy here. I'm running OSX and have tried all the suggested fixes for getting CMBB to work. Once the map shows up I can see the units fine, but everything else is a blue, wavey mess. The OSX fixes work great on my G4 PB, but on my desktop w/cinema display, no go. BTW booting under 9.2 having removed the Classic Rave is when I get the blue waves. Other tries get nothing.

867mHz, 32mb video, 640mb ram



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I think I ran into that last night while farting around (a highly technical term us propellor heads use). Did it look anything like these?


I got this image by trying to run with all extensions off, or after turning off all ATI and graphics extensions. Does this look anything like what you were talking about?

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From what I can tell, that only happens when you don't have extensions loaded for your graphics card/chip.

Make sure you aren't booting with extensions off, and if you can get into the extensions manager, try rebooting once with Mac OS 9 All, or something like that for your sets of extensions to make sure all the graphics and 3D extensions load when you reboot.

If that doesn't help, either someone deleted all the video extensions, or they may be out of date (but I haven't heard of that happening yet).

Try rebooting with all MacOS9 extensions running and see what happens.

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