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CMMOS problem, help an ignoramouse out

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I installed CMBO and CMMOS on my new hard drive. I figured it would be fun to give it a try so I'm trying to start by installing some sky mods for the game. I installed CMMOS, the lasted one from CMHQ, then I got the terrain ruleset, then I downloaded the different sky mods and put them in the CMBO/MODS folder of the CMMOS directory. I have tried and tried but cannot figure out how to add the zip files to CMMOS. I tried configure, mods, and then to add the zip. I tried selecting the specific ruleset and selecting the corresponding mod file (it gives me an installation error and refers me to the log where it eventually says ruleset not found).

Help a person out, I have tried for a bit, I read the manual and it says how, but it's not seeming to work. What could I have done wrong?

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Not sure if I follow exactly what you've done, but you should be aware that CMMOS for CMBO works a little differently than CMMOS for CMBB.

The drill for CMBO COMMOS is as follows: Download and install CMMOS. It does *not* get installed in the CMBO (or CMBB) directory. To tell if it's working you should be able to call it up, and in the CMBO section you'll get a bunch of screens with crossed out icons if you installed the appropriate rulesets. Download and install all the rulesets if you haven't already.

Next, download the CMMOS mod that you want to try to someplace safe. Unzip it. You'll see a bunch of BMP files (or WAV files) with weird extensions. Copy the BMP files (and nothing else) to the CMBO BMP folder.

Go back and open up CMMOS again. If you look under the appropriate CMBO ruleset tab, some of the icons will not be crossed out. If you click on one, and then click on the apply button, after a few seconds (or minutes) the mod will be installed.

If you're playing around with sky mods, the ruleset tab you should look for is called Sheltering Sky (after the Bowles novel). There's no need to mess with the configure button. Reading the credits (they change on each ruleset) can sometimes be educational.

I hope this helps. I'm actually retired from the CMMOS project at the moment, so I'm doing this from a very faulty memory...

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First CMBO CMMOS mods are for the old style CMMOS format. You don't add zip files as you do with CMBB.

You unzip the files straight into the bmp or wav folders and the rules handle them from there.

Now I have redone all the original CMMOS files for CMBO and added more to those. I am working with CM Mod Database to host them.

Give me some time since I must write the HTML for the Database.

But once done there will be new rulesets plus some 400 different zip files, bmps and wavs, totaling around 1.4 Gig of files.


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