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Forcing a Surrender

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You might try experimenting with a territory script, and allow Germany to annex the north half of Italy and Albania. I'm not sure what this would do to the Italian units in play when Rome becomes German-controlled, maybe nothing. I'm not sure if Italy would cease to exist or not. Forcing a surrender has been an issue.

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I have a problem with this too in my Battle for Russia scenario. I want Italy to have the historical surrender to the western allies in september 1943 nbut that can't be done.

And even if it happens what happens if Germans move into Trieste(Italy's capital in my scenario, Rome is not on the map) then Italy becomes active again which I don't want.

Would be great if this could be made possible in scripts so you can add surrenders on fixed dates.

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In my expanded scenario I want Japan to surrender on a fixed date, but alas, not possible. (yet?) My only solution is to use a supply script to kill all mpp values of all Japanese resources after the surrender date, making it almost impossible to reinforce, build, maintain supply etc.

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