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You've Got Points!


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^ That was my best AOL impression.

My wife doesn't mind me playing all these shoot-em-up games, but what drives her absolutely bonkers (and usually results in her punching me repeatedly in the arm) is the "DUN DUN" noise that is made every time you get points.

Sitting at my computer desk, the sound doesn't bug me at all - but for a test, I left the game running and went to make a sandwich and watch some TV (thus contributing to my team, as I wasn't flipping my shrike over).

She's right. From an outside vantage, the repetitive DUN DUN.... DUN DUN.... DUN DUN..... Has just enough bass to permeate every room in my house, and it happens at just the right interval to make me want to invest in padded wallpaper.

PLEASE oh PLEASE at least make it an option to tick off... We've got a text message to alert us to the danger anyhow :(

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You actually can do that now simply by replacing the sounds with something else. Not a "easy" solution, I know, but you are in grave danger of disembowlment by spouse.

Same with your seizure inducing ion.

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The seizure-inducement is due to the blinding flash on the screen, not so much the hellspawn shrieking FSSSHEEW sound that I haven't gotten complaints about... yet.

Thanks for the tip, Yurch! I will check out replacing the sounds. Last time I was able to replace sounds in a game, I replaced them all with my voice saying the sound. "Boom," "rat a tat a tat", etc... Not mouthing the sound effects, saying the word "boom" smile.gif made for a most excellent counter strike experience... '

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If you make a new folder in the mods directory (there's already one there called 'base') and put a description.txt in there, you should be able to throw any variation of stuff you normally find in the game's 'data' folder (mind the folder structure for things like sounds).

This includes physobject files, although I don't recommend it, because that can cause rather interesting side effects when your client differs from the server.

I've already got a 'mod' that has smaller minimap dots and makes the speed display readable.

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Originally posted by weasello:

My wife doesn't mind me playing all these shoot-em-up games, but what drives her absolutely bonkers (and usually results in her punching me repeatedly in the arm) is the "DUN DUN" noise that is made every time you get points.


My fiance has taken to actually mimicking the DUN DUN sound, as she mocks that "battle robot" game I play.

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