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CMBB Demo falls to desktop when I choose side

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As soon as I click on the "Allied" or "Axis" button after choosing scenario, the game disappears. This is Single player mode. Haven't tried multiplayer.

I'm using

P3 550

Win98 SE


Creative SB Live soundcard

Creative TNT2 32MB graphicscard

1280x960 resolution (also tried 1152, same result)

DirectX 8.1

CMBO runs just fine with this.

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The next screen after 'choosing sides' is the graphical 'choose play type' screen. It's strange that you would be crashing on this screen (since it's only 2D).

Perhaps your CMBB executable is corrupt or more likely you're missing certain bitmaps. You may want to delete your current installation and then re-extract it. If the problem continues you may need to redownload the Demo. What resolution are you trying to play CMBB at ? You may want to start with 800x600 and see if that helps any.

With the NVidia chips, if it runs on CMBO, then it should be fine for CMBB.

[ September 15, 2002, 01:22 PM: Message edited by: Schrullenhaft ]

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