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CMx2 Movement


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There's a lot of great info in the forums on CMx2 - a bit much to see if this idea has been brought up. Please consider this....

In the current system we have move, advance, run, sneak, and move to contact. Once you move you can "tack on" the "rotate to" and/or "hide" options. I'd like to see "to contact" stripped out and made into an option. That way, you could have a unit "advance - to contact - and hide," or "sneak-to contact." The keyboard commands for the former could be A-E-H.

Make sense? Has it been addressed? Good idea/bad idea?

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I think this should cover it

from the new Magazine article in the new Magazine thread.

Ron Meier


Member # 506

posted November 04, 2005 09:51 AM

OK here is another potential quote you might be interested in...

"Want a tank entering a city to move its turret left at one intersection, right at the next, and then button up at the next -- without having to issue a whole new set of orders each time? No problem. Now you'll get to issue up to three commands per waypoint."

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Thanks for the quick reply. That does partially answer the question but misses the core.

In the new system, how would you cammand a squad to run from the woods they're currently in, to that building 60m away but if they "make contact," to stop and drop. Currently, they would just continue running through the HMG fire.

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