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Viper770U and MIP mapping in CM

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I was using a Viper 2 and the game looked pretty good except for an occasional artifact and the lack of fog support. I installed a Viper V770 Ultra and now I see fog, however the MIP mapping ability looks like crap. There is a radius of some kind around your perspective that dithers or softens the pixels (as the Viper 2 did) however, just beyond that radius (60 meters) the graphics look pixelated.

For example, if I move in perspective 1 towards a group of trees, the grass in front of me is smooth. Just beyond that 60 meters, the grass looks pixelated. When I approach and cross through trees, the leaves underneath look very pixelated until the are close then they are smoothed out.

My Viper 2 had a setting called AutoMipMap which, when turned on, smoothed out the whole battlefield. The V770 has a lot of MIP Mapping controls, but no combination has cured this problem. I have gone through plenty of drivers from the early Diamond ones to the latest detonator series.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


[This message has been edited by TeAcH (edited 08-19-2000).]

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I have the same card. I use 0 mipmap levels,

bilinear, best quality. I turned fog table emulation and adjust Z-Buffer depth on. Texel alignment is center. I'm using the 353 version drivers.

I guess, start from these settings, and see how it does. I don't *think* mine does what you describe...

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Thanks. I took your advice and ARGH...same results. Take a look at your game from level 1 (ground level) and examine the grassy area closest to you. It should appear smooth (thanks to MIP mapping. Now, gradually look at the grass away from you. If you see the smoothness stop and some pixelated blocky grass, then that is what I am talking about. Looking at the fallen leaves under trees is more noticeable. My Viper 2, despite all of its flaws, mipmapped the whole battlefield. Cant this card do this?


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