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Disappearing RPG bug

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[Edited to change the title]

Apologies if this has been posted about before, but I've found in a PBEM that after I 'acquired' RPGs within a BMP-1p it doesn't show up on the infantry's weapons.

This is minor as long as it does show up in the infantry's inventory after they've dismounted. I'll let you know if that happens.

[ June 17, 2008, 05:36 PM: Message edited by: Sivodsi ]

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Apologies if this is a known bug, but I did search and couldn't find anything.

The Syrian units in this PBEM cannot acquire RPGs, and if they do use the 'acquire' command, the RPGs simply disappear from the inventory.

Picture 1: BMP-1p with RPGs missingrpgbugaldayefirsmm3.jpg

Picture 2: BMP-1p after the acquire command was used, and it looks like they have been acquired because they are no longer available: missingrpgbugaldayezb3.jpg

Picture 3: However, the unit that was aboard does not have them either. missingrpgbugaldayeabudi3.jpg

Where did they go? Did they suddenly dematerialize? Were they beamed up by Scotty?

The Syrian Units were 'recon' units, is that the reason why they could not take them? If so, why not - are they not trained in their use? In which case the 'acquire' command should not have the RPGs as an option. Somehow I can't believe that they wouldn't take them if they knew that American forces were around - and they are supposed to be easy to use, right?

Any other possible explanations for the Syrians being depowered in this way?

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hehe, yea you tried to give it to a recon squad. probably they threw them away just outside of the vehicle as they see no point in carrying them.

seriously, i think its not good to make the warheads "vanish". they should go back to the vehicle as soon as you try to take something wich cant be used by the pecific unit. or better give us a un-acquire, so we can do it ouerselfs.

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