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TrackIR support

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I was at the pilot shop yesterday when I noticed there was a computer setup with the latest simulators as well as the latest version of TrackIR 4.

The new TrackIR 4 has six degrees of freedom.

I was allowed to sit down and play the new Microsoft Flight Simulator while using it. It was amazing!

I never bought the other versions because it did not strike me as all that useful and I could never justify the expense. But this new version is quite impressive. If I had the disposable cash I would have bought it right then and there.

Then it occurred to me why limit it to just simulators? Why not other games like Combat Mission? It may seem like a bit much for a game like CMSF but it could be used for scrolling around the screen. It is very easy to use. It is very natural and effortless.

I don't know what it takes to set up support for something like this. I just wanted to toss it out there since I couldn't find it on the search function.

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