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Ti 4200 v. Ti 4400 and RAM query


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Just putting together final spec for my order and it has been suggested that I go for a 128M rather than 64M Ti4200. I suspect that this is good advice but in the UK suppliers this will add approx $120 to the price. Is it worth it? As I'm only likely to play CM2 (and 3?) will 64 not handle it? The other option which may be cheaper is a Ti4400. I'm not too hot on power/ram etc but would the 4400 not compensate for some of the less ram with with the 4200?

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If you are in Britain, go and get a copy of this months PC Gameplay magazine as it has a big round up on thse exact cards and explains which 128 meg are better than their 64 meg equivalents. It's quite interesting because ome of the 128 upgrades are actually slower than the 64 meg ones so you have to be care full.

Personally, if you have limeted funds get a gforce 3 ti as they are not much more than a hundred quid now. there are still very few games that get close to pushing them to their capacity.

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I'm sure future software developers will find a way to use 128MB, but from what I've read it doesn't do anything for you in the current crop of games, even the most graphically-sophisticated games.

I wouldn't pay $120 more just for it. If it ever becomes an issue in the future, you can always turn down the graphics quality a tad. Most games thankfully now come with the option to talor the game's performance to your system.


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