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Modern? Good. Neocon fascism? Bad.


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Not going to draw this out so I'll just get to the point: making a wargame about what the US is doing overseas right now is touchy enough. Modeling a scenario which is very, VERY possible with the lunatics running this country is even worse. The objectivity just flies out the window with the onde-sided campaign (in this case, literally one sided). tongue.gif

I'm not going to talk about the effects of cluster bombs, blackout bombs, phospherous bombs, & fuel-air bombs. WW2 trumps everything when it comes to brutality on all sides. However, it's hard to stomach the lack of propriety. We already have 'america's army', 'full spectrum warrior', close combat marines', & more games on the way that seem to have Dick Cheney as executive producer. I almost hope large sums of money were involved, that way at least I could say those companies were giving into the tragedy of the commons.

Of all the near-future, alternate reality, what-if, modern day scenarios...they choose the one that fits in perfectly with the Pentagon's five year plan. I'm not gonna beg you to make changes to this game since it's obvious the die has been cast (btw the reason wargamers prefer ww2 is that modern combat involves no participation. The british developed brimstone antitank misile can be carried in packs of 40 on a tornado, and be fired in near simultaneous volleys with no pilot interaction beyond dialing in what range after firing the missiles begin to actively seek out targets so they can fly over their own guys and not kill them. Brimstones have a range of about 100km and travel at the speed OF A RIFLE BULLET during the terminal phase. But hey, modern combat can be fun). After seeing what the US did to Iraq, the syrian people would either be retarded or crazy to allow an american invasion. A realistic simulation of a US assault on syria would be large bombs falling on civilians from 3:00AM through 6:00AM. The US infantryman is dredged from the ranks of Mcdonalds's fry pits and Walmart registers, & is meant as a little more than a cleanup team & oil derrick protection force. I'd love to see an army made up stop-lossed soccer dads, ritalin junkies, & eurotrip mercenaries backed up by amphetamine coked jet jockeys blasting panicked conscripts using weapons designed before their parents were born.

yes, good call.

bottom line: a wargame about US invasions in the mid-east isn't a wargame, it's a distortion of the truth. It reeks of a poisoned ideology that belongs in the dustbin of history, & the way things are going, will end up there very soon.

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Not going to draw this out so I'll just get to the point: making a wargame about what the US is doing overseas right now is touchy enough. Modeling a scenario which is very, VERY possible with the lunatics running this country is even worse. The objectivity just flies out the window with the onde-sided campaign (in this case, literally one sided). tongue.gif

I'm not going to talk about the effects of cluster bombs, blackout bombs, phospherous bombs, & fuel-air bombs. WW2 trumps everything when it comes to brutality on all sides. However, it's hard to stomach the lack of propriety. We already have 'america's army', 'full spectrum warrior', close combat marines', & more games on the way that seem to have Dick Cheney as executive producer. I almost hope large sums of money were involved, that way at least I could say those companies were giving into the tragedy of the commons.

Of all the near-future, alternate reality, what-if, modern day scenarios...they choose the one that fits in perfectly with the Pentagon's five year plan. I'm not gonna beg you to make changes to this game since it's obvious the die has been cast (btw the reason wargamers prefer ww2 is that modern combat involves no participation. The british developed brimstone antitank misile can be carried in packs of 40 on a tornado, and be fired in near simultaneous volleys with no pilot interaction beyond dialing in what range after firing the missiles begin to actively seek out targets so they can fly over their own guys and not kill them. Brimstones have a range of about 100km and travel at the speed OF A RIFLE BULLET during the terminal phase. But hey, modern combat can be fun). After seeing what the US did to Iraq, the syrian people would either be retarded or crazy to allow an american invasion. A realistic simulation of a US assault on syria would be large bombs falling on civilians from 3:00AM through 6:00AM. The US infantryman is dredged from the ranks of Mcdonalds's fry pits and Walmart registers, & is meant as a little more than a cleanup team & oil derrick protection force. I'd love to see an army made up stop-lossed soccer dads, ritalin junkies, & eurotrip mercenaries backed up by amphetamine coked jet jockeys blasting panicked conscripts using weapons designed before their parents were born.

yes, good call.

bottom line: a wargame about US invasions in the mid-east isn't a wargame, it's a distortion of the truth. It reeks of a poisoned ideology that belongs in the dustbin of history, & the way things are going, will end up there very soon.

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Not going to draw this out so I'll just get to the point: making a wargame about what the US is doing overseas right now is touchy enough. Modeling a scenario which is very, VERY possible with the lunatics running this country is even worse. The objectivity just flies out the window with the onde-sided campaign (in this case, literally one sided). tongue.gif

I'm not going to talk about the effects of cluster bombs, blackout bombs, phospherous bombs, & fuel-air bombs. WW2 trumps everything when it comes to brutality on all sides. However, it's hard to stomach the lack of propriety. We already have 'america's army', 'full spectrum warrior', close combat marines', & more games on the way that seem to have Dick Cheney as executive producer. I almost hope large sums of money were involved, that way at least I could say those companies were giving into the tragedy of the commons.

Of all the near-future, alternate reality, what-if, modern day scenarios...they choose the one that fits in perfectly with the Pentagon's five year plan. I'm not gonna beg you to make changes to this game since it's obvious the die has been cast (btw the reason wargamers prefer ww2 is that modern combat involves no participation. The british developed brimstone antitank misile can be carried in packs of 40 on a tornado, and be fired in near simultaneous volleys with no pilot interaction beyond dialing in what range after firing the missiles begin to actively seek out targets so they can fly over their own guys and not kill them. Brimstones have a range of about 100km and travel at the speed OF A RIFLE BULLET during the terminal phase. But hey, modern combat can be fun). After seeing what the US did to Iraq, the syrian people would either be retarded or crazy to allow an american invasion. A realistic simulation of a US assault on syria would be large bombs falling on civilians from 3:00AM through 6:00AM. The US infantryman is dredged from the ranks of Mcdonalds's fry pits and Walmart registers, & is meant as a little more than a cleanup team & oil derrick protection force. I'd love to see an army made up stop-lossed soccer dads, ritalin junkies, & eurotrip mercenaries backed up by amphetamine coked jet jockeys blasting panicked conscripts using weapons designed before their parents were born.

yes, good call.

bottom line: a wargame about US invasions in the mid-east isn't a wargame, it's a distortion of the truth. It reeks of a poisoned ideology that belongs in the dustbin of history, & the way things are going, will end up there very soon.

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Thanks for you comments. If you are interested in learning more about modern combat and the types of warfare you may see in CMSF, please read the AAR and cehck out some of the reading material above. From our point of view CMSF is a tactical wargame based on a reasonably possible near future conflict, not a political simulator.

There are other games on that subject though if that is what interests you.


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Thanks for you comments. If you are interested in learning more about modern combat and the types of warfare you may see in CMSF, please read the AAR and cehck out some of the reading material above. From our point of view CMSF is a tactical wargame based on a reasonably possible near future conflict, not a political simulator.

There are other games on that subject though if that is what interests you.


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Thanks for you comments. If you are interested in learning more about modern combat and the types of warfare you may see in CMSF, please read the AAR and cehck out some of the reading material above. From our point of view CMSF is a tactical wargame based on a reasonably possible near future conflict, not a political simulator.

There are other games on that subject though if that is what interests you.


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