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CMBB runs fine under Jaguar (in Mac OS 9)! No disk partitions required!

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I asked the following question below about running CMBB on my new iMac-17" and got a very encouraging answer from Buckeye about how CMBB runs fine w/in Jaguar, avoiding some of the complications involved with previous versions of OS X. I thought it was worth telling the world. Perahps upgrading to Jaguar might save some of you some headaches (plus it's pretty cool on its own.) Anyway, I've renamed this thread to draw attention to Jaguar as a CMBB environment.



My original message:

Woo Hoo! My new iMac-17" has just arrived and I'm in the process of setting up. I've got a pristine hard disk and I'm wondering about your opinion on what the optimal setup for CMBO and CMBB might be under these circumstances.

I've been following the earlier discussions but I confess to being a bit confused about some of the details. It sounds like the alternatives are to:

1. Boot into 9.2 and run CM there. Do I need to disable ClassicRave each time I boot into CM, or is this just an OS X issue? It sounds like it's possible (?) to run CMBB (somehow) in emulation in OS X but that this is far from optimal.

2. Create a partition for 9.2 in which I can set up CM to run optimally (how exactly?). It seems like the down side to this is basically that it's hard to do partitioning with a hard disk that's already full of stuff, but w/ a pristine hard disk this seems like it might be the best idea? Should I fill this partition up with all my OS 9.2 stuff (i.e. work related stuff, etc.) or should this be reserved mainly for CM.

Any opinions or advice on the whole process of setting up a new iMac to run CM would be MUCH appreciated.

[ October 02, 2002, 10:11 AM: Message edited by: CombinedArms ]

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With the release of Jaguar, you don't need to worry about either the Classic Rave extension or having a partition. Just re-boot into OS 9 whenever you want to play CM, and then re-boot into OS X if that's where you want to be.

The Classic Rave extension no longer interferes with CM when you're in OS 9. You can't run CM under OS X, except in software emulation, and even then it's dicey.

Unless you have a compellling reason to need a separate partition, there's really no reason I know of to bother. I run my OS 9 apps either in OS 9 or under Classic in OS 10, and both seem to work fine.

You'll find the only problem with CMBB in OS 9 on the new iMac is that the skies are blurry. It helps a bit to reduce the size of the graphic, but it doesn't solve the problem entirely. Must be a problem in the way the nVidia card renders Rave. Not much to be done about it, because nVidia isn't likely to release drivers to deal with the problem.

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Thanks a lot. This is just the answer I needed! Wow, so Jaguar saves the day. Maybe we should tell the world?

In fact, while I was waiting for your reply, I managed to get CMBB properly installed (the first time didn't work for some reason) and it seemed to run fine when booted in System 9.2.2. CMBO also runs fine--in fact, it looks much better than it ever did on my beige G3. Your message confirms that all is right with the world.

I think I can live with the blurry skies. All in all, I'm a happy camper! :D:D:D:D

[ September 30, 2002, 10:30 PM: Message edited by: CombinedArms ]

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