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Suggestions I haven't seen and that might be easily doable.


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Well, ok, I didn't read the complete 20 pages of posts in BFC's 5&5 info gathering topic. Also, I realize some of these suggstions may not even make sense in the CMx2 ideology, but still, some little things I thought of that might be easy to add late in the devolopment cycle.

An option for simplified unit selection (in random map gen combat, of course). I'm too busy and too stupid to try to figure out all the differences between th 20 types of infantry. Nationalities, divisions, modernness of weapons, etc. How about, for the stupid player, a selection of about 3 simplified types of infantry. The computer then semi-randomly gives us a fitting unit. I know the grognards, and I, on occasion, enjoy the large amount of historically accurate models to choose from, but sometimes it's really to heady. Why not give the choice of "medium tank". Then a unit is chosen for you that makes sense for that location and time period.

1b) Come to think of it, how about a few "standard packages" that can be played on random maps. ie: the unit loadout is scripted, and maybe even the map characteristics, but the map is still generated.

2) A choice at the end of battle to switch sides and play the same map again. And/or to be able to save the generated map, if it was a good one.

3) Command line options for starting the game. For CMAK I developed a small utility to help randomly choose quick battle options (esp for multiplayer). That way you would know, for example, that it was a night battle in heavy woods before making your unit selection. However, there was no way to kick the game off with certain settings. Some command line options, or perhaps an .init file where the options could be read from, would be nice.

In fact, number 3 and number 1b could be handled in the same way. Imagine that, for a choice of quick battles, you load a file that says the following:


Trees: Moderate

Hills: Small

*the rest is chosen by user at run time, or maybe just randomly filled in.


Type: Axis_Attack

Points: 700

Victory: 25_turns


AxisUnits: UserChoice

AllyUnits: TankX,TankY,CompanyA,CompanyB,Special1

you can imagine the "partially scripted" battles that would ensue. I just think, logistically, this could be simple, at the place where you would gather these options from the user, you have an option instead to load them from file...

what do you think, sirs?


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*Starts chargin taser for the offence of "it might be easily doable"*

Seriously, the number of times that is put forward as a reason is ludicrous, especailly as we have no idea how Charles (BFC programmer) has put CMX2 together. Or CMX1, for that matter.

In any case, I can't see how this is any different to how it's set up now.

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Hmm, let's see, I feel like fighting in... *rolls dice* ...heavy woods today *enters such on screen*...</pre>

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Yes, I realize you can do number 2 already, but it's hardly intuitive, and don't the foxholes, trenches and craters stay? In any case, It would be nice to see, on the end screen, the choices -play again with same units? -play again and switch sides? etc, etc...

My generic idea has merit? yeah! I was waiting to be attacked by space lobsters and waffles.

(watch the entire movie replay? -I know that's already on the list... please please please)

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