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Customizable vehicles, money, and purchasing...


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I know, here I am again asking for crazy impossibilities...

I'd love to see a mod with $, for purchasing vehicles. All the same, I'd also love to have a screen prior to battle where you can to some degree mod your vehicles. (Again, based on money/resources like guys available...)

I think this would be cool in both the multiplayer and campaign modes.

When you think about it, the game isn't too far from this, as you have several base chasis, and then differing weapons fits. I'd just like to see it one step further, with the ability to add say, ABLATIVE ARMOR, change ammo loadouts, adding and detracting from the max load the chasis can carry...

Of course, I'm still waiting on my pulse-laser tank anyway!

But the other thing this could allow, is a campaign-like multiplayer, where you manage a persistant "merc unit" between battles. Vehicles have to be repaired, crewmen recruited/hired, weapons systems procured. I know that opens up a whole lot of other questions, but I live to pester.

Of course, anyone could run a "merc-unit" and you could get some cash by playing for someone else's merc unit as well! I know, I'm dreaming... (Friendly fire? You broke it, you bought it!)

But never hurts to dream...

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I've been thinking on a somewhat less ambitious version of this which would require less code changing, but has some potential.

That is: point-based allocation of elements instead of a fixed list.

Thematically, there's no reason we can't have any element at any given time. It makes sense that any given engagement has a limited set of resources allocated ... but the specifics can be abstracted away. Inventory control could thus be another question of trade-offs. Couple this with the idea that the points could be gained by controlling Objective areas or Facilities, and you get interesting possibilities:

"Can I take out that 20pt Thor in that position with a 15pt Apollo and a 5pt Rifleman squad? Should I use 30pts in Apollos, and hope to come out ahead in damage? Do I take the facility with 75pts of assets and risk them to try and get +5pts a minute more to work with? How does that risk vs reward compute?"

I'm sure there's a way to couple this with a time-based limit (ie. "only one Thor every 5min, reduce the time until the next by investing X points"), but it gets complicated to balance at that point. Basic point-expenditure is tinkery enough to start with.

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