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Proper mechanized infantry


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I just had an idea to improve the mobility of the infantry, perhaps enabling a heavier infantry without jumpjets. What I'm thinking about is including an APC organic to the squad. You switch command between the riflemen and the APC just as you now switch between the different soldiers.

The APC would of course require it's own AI so it doesn't try to follow the squad on it's adventures (not per default at least). The idea is to drive up in your combat taxi, with the squad on board, and disembark in a safe spot (eg behind a hill). Then you switch to commanding your disembarked squad while the APC remains behind. If you need to displace you march back to your APC or you drive the APC up to the grunts. Voila, you're on your way again.

Sounds good? Would it be hard to implement gamewise?

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My guess is it would probably be better to impliment this as a smarter form of bot management. Being able to give a bot orders from the in-game map is one of those things that've been bandied about a while.

So, basically, you'd command your squad and give local commands to a bot. Move the Paladin over and walk up to the rear to get in. Switch the bot and infy, drive as appropriate, drop the grunts, and switch back. Give the bot a Move Here order, then move out yourself. Once engaged, if you need more firepower, give the bot in the Pal a "Hull Down" order targeted on the enemy; they'll engage. If you just need a lift, tell it "Move Here" and target the ground at your feet. Repeat as necessary.

Not entirely unlike the way it gets done in the flesh, in some cases, and better integrated with the command system we have.

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I like it!

I'm all for the Paladin being integrated into the squad, especially because you wouldn't have to keep switching back to the tac screen.

Anything would help, since right now we don't have enough online players to really justify tying up two for doing an infantry transport (hm, maybe when we get building-capturing engineers I'll rethink this tho!)

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