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Some More suggestions.


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User Interface side:-

More info about the servers available. Things like lists of players, time left in scenario etc.

Some for of lobby outside of the servers where you can see who else is looking for games and send a message. I bet a lot of the full version guys are looking at servers at the same time but don't join cos they are empty.

In Game:-

A 1000m grid on the map view would be nice. that way people using voice could arrange movements etc using a grid reference.

some sort of range ring for artillery.

Some way of telling friendly bots to fire on a static item such as an Ion Air defence tower so that you can momentarily overwhelm it with targets.

Drop troopers in Power armour and Ion cannons to do Air bridgehead insertions to secure a dropzone. Especially if using a system as described by Heinlen to overwhelm the ground defences.

Some way of fixing the number of players ( bot or human) that can be on a side in a mission (within the scenario file). This would lead to the ability to make deliberately one sided missions.

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You can see the time left in the scenario when you scroll to the right (which is not obvious since the scrollbar doesn't show that)

IIRC you can fix the number of players in a scenario.

You can order several units simultanously when you drag a rectangle around them. That doesn't get you salvos though.

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