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Paladin 76mm Main gun has no HE...

Jack Carr

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When I drop a 76 mm armed Paladin it always shows 100 AP rounds and no HE. Is there a way the player can specify what the ammo loadout will be?

I am playing the demo while I'm waiting for my full-blown CD to arrive.



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Originally posted by yurch:

That's odd. The 76mm usually gets 50 rounds of HE, which is more than enough to down a tower.

Is the demo different somehow?

Could be.

I hope to receive the CD for the full version in the mail soon. I just recently moved and was able to join the ranks of those lucky folks who have a high-speed internet connection. At my old address, I could only get a dial-up connection.

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Originally posted by yurch:

That's odd. The 76mm usually gets 50 rounds of HE, which is more than enough to down a tower.

Is the demo different somehow?

Sorry. You're right! I received the full version yesterday. It was my lack of knowledge cncerning how to switch ammo types that led me to believe there was no HE.

You are correct, however. There are 50 HE shells listed in the ammo loadout inventory. I did notice that the 50 HE shells are not designated until you use the '=' key to switch ammo type.

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