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Stalker... (Pulse -laser hover-tank...)


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Was thinking of Damon Slye's Stellar7 and the evil cloaking Stalkers at the end...

Got me to thinking there aren't any "Tank Destroyers" in the game... Yet... (Maybe I'm missing my PZIV Tank Destroyer with the fast firing HV 75mm gun in Combat Mission?)

Fixed big/rapid fire gun, no/limited traverse.

Of course, there aren't cloaking devices or Raven's either!

Don't know if it'd be unbalancing though. (You can put a very nasty front glacias plate on a tank with no turret. Saves a lot of weight. Low profile. A lot to be said for it. Everything about the Tank Destroyer favors firing defensively in a sector. Hit hard, hard to hit, hard to hurt.)

Food for thought. Curious if it's come up.

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Well, lets think about it here...

If a tank has high power consumption, most likely it's not going to be a hover tank, unless you trade most of your armour off...

So, for a laser tank, most likely it'd be tracked. Or very expensive...

Maybe if you traded the turret weight off, for a front mounted laser, you could have a hover-pulse-laser-tank-destroyer (?). And even keep some modicum of armor.

Then again, the Hurricane can do it. Why can't I? Not that it's justification.

I still wish there were a dollar value attached to each vehicle, and you could purchase at the start. Maybe someday...

Getting back to the subject... I think you could get away with a 120mm front mounted on a hover-tank. Might give you some interesting recoil effects, but I don't see why not. Hell, I'd like to see a better armoured hover-tank destroyer with that rapid-fire 76mm. Reminds me of the old ARES cannon that was supposed to be mounted on the RDF light tank... (Back in the good old cold war days, when NATO was going to form an international Rapid Deployment Force.)


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It seems to me tank killers are more suited to tracks for lower profile. the hover crafts sit significantly higher so are harder to stay covered with... but it would probably be fun and interesting and sometimes useful, so why not? someone should definately at least mod one in. I really want that 76mm apollo. maybe even with a bit more punch to make up for not being able to circle enemy at near max range? or a sensor or something maybe. does anyone use the 20mm apollo? i havent really, but it seems like it is probably underpowered as in undercompensated for light gun. but if ther use it or maybe even if they dont, then nevermind.

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