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Screen goes black

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Hi! Can someone help me, when I try to run CMBB whit my graphic card drivers installed my display goes black and into powersave mode?

But when I run the without the drivers installed, there comes upp the window where you choose something about graphics and you choose something like setup graphics or something, and then I hear some sounds but I dont see any video and if I press any button the computer returns to windows.

someone please HELP me!!

This are my components:

P3 500MHz

GeForce MX 420

Driver 30.87

128 RAM

ECS Mainboard, dont remember which version

windows XP professional


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hey mathias.

go to the nVidia site & download the detonator drivers for your card. these a generally the best ones.


also get directX9 from the MS site.

hope this helps. if not, remove your CM preferences file from the install directory, i can't remember what it's called but it should be self explanitory. remove that & next time you load the game it will ask for the display resolution you want. go for one you know your monitor/g card will do.

good luck.

[ January 21, 2003, 08:16 AM: Message edited by: Other Means ]

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