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Arrived; install problems. Anyone else?


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Eagerly awaiting my copy. Arrived this afternoon. Immediately unwrapped and started install on my machine. CRC error about 20% into Disk 1. WTF? Checked CD for smudges or scratches. Not one. Clean as can be. Tried again with my Sony DVD burner. Same error. Then tried my Teac DVD/CD Rom. Same error but at a different percentage point. Tried to be smart and copied entire CD to a temp folder on hard drive to install from there. SAME PROBLEM!! Arggghhh. Anyone else with this error? My machine is an AMD 64 3400+ with an ATI X800XT and 1 GB of RAM. More than enough to run correctly but I can't install it. Guess I will have to contact the manufacturer but, again, was wondering if anyone else is suffering this. :(

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Definitely sounds like a CD problem :( We've done a q-check after receiving the goods from the manufacturer, but stuff like this slips through I guess... Not sure if there is anything to try in the short term, perhaps somebody else here will have some tips. In any case, make sure you contact sales@battlefront.com and ask Ed for a free replacement copy. Sorry about that.


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Thanks guys. You were right on top of that! I just popped off an email to support requesting assistance. I'm sure I'll hear from them soon. Right now I'll just jealously sit by as others play. At least I can read the manual a few times. smile.gif

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Similar problem here. The message box for Disk 2 continues to popup after it is inserted. Conituous confimations of that window just result in the disk spinning for a bit, and then it pops up again.

The disk itself look corrupted. The area where the data is kinda has a trailing swirl pattern on the disk. Something I have never seen before. I'll contact support as well

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Hey guys i've had a problem like this before and its most likely the disc. While waiting for support to confirm a mail back I tried something like this:

Create seprate folders on your HD 'Disk1' and 'Disk2' then copy and paste the contents of each CD into the corresponding folders. Find the setup.exe in the disk1 folder and see if it begins to install if so when prompted for disk2, browse to the folder labeled disk2, you may have to browse it to a specific file if it asks. When you run the game you might have to have the CD in the drive if it needs a CD check. Hope this helps, its not a sure fire method but being the weekend....Good luck S!

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JohnE; had the same thought. Copied contents of Disk 1 to my HD and started install. It progressed further than with simply the disk but I still got a CRC error. I assume this means that the some corrupt data/files were simply copied from the disk to the HD. Makes me feel somewhat better knowing that some others are suffering this issue as well. I'm sure tech support will replace the disks. Just means I'll have to jump onto Battlefield and drive tanks there for a while before I can install T-72.

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Shut down unwanted services (Anti-virus, AOL, Real Player, etc) before copying the CD to disk. The best way is to install Spybot

1. Install Sybot.

2. switch to Advance Mode under Menu

3. click on the tools button.

4. click on systen startup then turn off all of the startup services by clicking on the check mark in the boxes

5. reboot

6. try copying again to disk.

Note: Hard Disk drives now days have their error detection & correction turned off (makes them run faster). I've see this mainly when ripping DVD's to disk files.

You can find Sybot through google.

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