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Custom mission wierdness

Guest Mike

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Apparently this has happened a few times now - happened for the 1st time to me today tho, vs Buffy who has experienced it b4.

Custom mission - player setting up takes the bottom pair in the setup screen with 1 fighter & 1 bomber. Other player is the top pair with 2 fighters.

When hte game starts the player setting up is presented with his bombers and fighters mixed - each pair on the screen has 1 bomber and 1 fighter!!

No idea how hte game sequence goes because we stopped the game pronto.

It repeated with a 2nd game.

In the 3rd game I put myself as the top pair, and the other guy as the bottom pair and it was OK...except I got massacred! :(

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Can we please have at least a response to this?? It's stil hapenning - I just had 3 setups with BvB that were affected, and changing the player positions didnt' help.

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My theory for that bug is that both players can hit the start button, not just the one who creates the game. If only one hits start, all is fine, if both do it the elements get mixed up. I came up with that theory after a game where my opponent created the game and i hit start, we aborted and tried again. The second time i did not start and all was fine. Haven´t tested this theory so it could just be my imagination ;) , but maybe it´ll help. If not dismiss my rantings :D

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I think Horatius has identified the problem. I ran some test earlier today. If just one player clicks the "Start" button, the game works correctly. It doesn't matter who clicks the Start button as long as only one person does it.

If both players click the Start button, the game is all screwed up. It doesn't matter what skills you have, or what position (top or bottom) that your aircraft were supposed to be in. The game is completely messed up.

I'll try to get a fix out later that only allows one player to click the Start button, but in the mean time, just agree ahead of time who is going to click the Start button.

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