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ETA on a patch??

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To follow up on AO's rather anemic reply. There are very few major flaws in the game that would cause your friends problem. If your friend would kindly post the issues they are having along with the OS, video card and related information someone here would likely help them.

In regards to AO's comments, ensuring the video card's drivers are up to date would help. As to reinstalling the OS and defraging these could help, but are mainly niceties that would be of questionable assistance.

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Originally posted by AnonymousOxide:

The patch will fix the game, not you're friends hardware settings. I bet he hasn't re-installed his OS in years, which makes me wonder how many times he's actually defraged his HD.

Well, considering he's using XP, which hasn't been out for years, that's not the problem. He has recently updated his Nvidia GF4 drivers to latest, and the reduced the problem, but did not fix it. And fixing the game, may well fix his problems.
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Originally posted by kmead:

To follow up on AO's rather anemic reply. There are very few major flaws in the game that would cause your friends problem. If your friend would kindly post the issues they are having along with the OS, video card and related information someone here would likely help them.

In regards to AO's comments, ensuring the video card's drivers are up to date would help. As to reinstalling the OS and defraging these could help, but are mainly niceties that would be of questionable assistance.

Thanks for the more constructive reply. He has XP and the latest GF4 drivers. They reduced the problem, but did not fix it entirely. We shall see what the patch does. Thanks again.
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You have stated some of what happens in your friends case. Could your friend come on here and be more specific as to the exact problem? What exactly occurs and in what sequence.

The vague problem you describe is not widespread and as it is not a recognizable bug, certainly will not be part of the patch. The fix list for the up and coming patch has already been published and is available on the CMBB forum.

So to sum up, in order to help we need more info. You have given the first part of the information needed to assist, now we need the rest. Thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Combat mission does have some bugs that is a fact. To say that it does not is foolish. I have a problem with my mouse with this game I do not have this problem with any other software of any kind and to say that its my settings or software is again foolish. I sugest that CBMO developers cataloge all the problems and come up with a suitable fix after all if a genaric mouse cannot work. What can we expect. This is not a slam its sugestion fix your bus donot ignore them.

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