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Future Jets in DIF


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Now that all of you know about the Me-262 being in the game, now its time to think about What the Brits and the like have to counter it at a jet level.

First up would have to be the Gloster Meteor even though the only combat it saw was intercepting V-1's.

Next would be the P-80 Shooting Star. No combat either but it was actually the fastest a/c of WWII even though the German fans wont admit it. The US would also get the XFR-1 Fireball and the FH-1 Phantom, both of which were made in WWII and would have seen action if not for Japans surrender.

Have to add the Me-163B of course

The Japanese het the Nakajima Kikka which actually had 2 produced before the end of the war. Also a Ram-Jet version of the J7W1 could be possibly in.

The Italians even get in here with 2, the Campini Caproni CC. 2 and the Reggiane Re 2007, which had it been built it may have been the best jet plane of the war.

The Russians could possibly get the I-300 (Mig-9)


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Forgot the de Havilland Vampire I for the Brits

Also could make a case for these German ones....

Horten Ho229, Heinkel He280, Focke Wulf Ta183, and Messerschmitt P.1101.

The Germans also had a few bombers that would be sweet.

Arado Ar234B, Arado Ar234C-3, Henschel Hs132 (Maybe the most neat idea for Jets smile.gif )

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Guest Mike

Personally I'm not in favour of such flights of fantasy - there are plenty of a/c that actually existed that I'd ratehr see than have Dan & co spend their time on these.

But some may be surprised to know that over 2000 individual jet & rocket a/c actually existed prior to the end of WW2:

Manuf Design Name First Flown Number (postwar) Operational Comment

Heinkel He-178 27Aug39 1P First turbojet, little interest. Ger

Heinkel He-280 02Apr41 8P Twinjet. Lost contract to Me-262 Ger

Gloster E28/39 Pioneer 15May41 1P Test of Wittle engine. Br

Messerschmitt Me-262 Swallow 25Mar42 1,430 July44. Delayed year by Hitler as bomber Ger

Bell XP-59 Aircomet 01Oct42 50 Twin jet fighter US

Gloster F.9/40 Meteor 05Mar43 8P Twin jet Br

Arado Ar-234 Blitz 15June43 200 Twin jet reconnaissance bomber Ger

de Havilland DH-100 Vampire 29Sep43 P (1,900) 1946-54. twin boom Br

Messerschmitt Me-328 1944 P Twin pulsejet Ger

Lockheed P-80 Shooting 8Jan44 45 (1,732) Two demo to Italy before war end. Korea US

Gloster G.41 Meteor 12Jan44 210 (657) 4Aug44 destroy two V1. France 20Jan45. Br

Ryan FR-1 Fireball 25Jan44 66 Turbojet and turboprop US

Horten Ho-IX V2 Summer44 2P Twin jet, flying wing. Go-229. Ger

Junkers Ju-287 Aug44 1P Four engine jet bomber Ger

Arado Ar-234C Blitz 30Sept44 10P Four engine jet bomber Ger

Fieseler Fi-103 Reichenberg 1944 175 Piloted V1 pulsejet Ger

Northrop JB-10 Jet Bomb c1944 24 Flying wing, programmed, unmanned bomb US

Consol-Vultee XP-81 c1944 2P Turbojet and turboprop US

Heinkel He-162 Salamander 06Dec44 320 Captured as made operational May'45 US

McDonnell XFH-1 Phantom 26Jan45 2 (66) 1948-50 US

Bell XP-83 Airacomet II 25Feb45 1P Wide body P-59, more fuel. US

Yokosuka Ohka-22 Buka 1945 1P Suicide bomb Jap

Douglas XBTD-2 Destroyer May45 2P Jets added to BTD-Destroyer US

Henschel Hs-132 June45? 1P Dive bomber Ger

Nakajima Kikka 7Aug45 2P Twin jet bomber on Me-262 model. Jap

Alekseev I-211 1P Twin jet fighter on Me-262 model. USSR

Messerschmitt P.1101 1P Variable sweep experimental aircraft Ger

Northrop XP79B Flying Ram 12Sep45 2P Flying wing, ram US


Messerschmitt Me-163 Komet Sum'41 400 May'44. Ger

Berezniak Isaev BI-2 Rocket Fighter May42 7P Also with ramjets on wings USSR

Northrop MX-334 Flying Wing Jun44 1P US

Yokosuka Ohka-11 Buka Nov44 755 Suicide bomb Jap

Bachem Ba-349 Natter Dec44 20+ Rocket Fighter Ger

Northrop XP-79A Flying Ram - Flying wing, design canceled US

Messerschmitt Me 263 Komet II 1945 1P From Me-163, longer range. (Ju 248) Ger

Mitsubishi J8M Shusui July45 1P From Me-163 Jap

DUCTED FAN: Jet Thrust

Coanda Turbine 10Dec1910 1P Yes, 1910. Rom

Caproni N-1 Compini 28Aug40 2P . with afterburner. Italy

[ May 10, 2006, 05:53 PM: Message edited by: Stalin's Organist ]

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Guest Mike
Originally posted by Sixxkiller:

Next would be the P-80 Shooting Star. No combat either but it was actually the fastest a/c of WWII even though the German fans wont admit it.

P-80a top speed 558 mph @ sea level (http://home.att.net/~jbaugher1/p80_4.html & http://www.aviation-history.com/lockheed/p80.html) Wiki gives it's top speed as 600 mph, and the Virtual Aviation Museum says 485 kts - 533 mph.

600 mph is the fastest, but none of the otehrs are.

I wonder which is true....if any??!!

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I think the P-80's max speed was 967 km/h which is 601 or so MPH. The Me-163 (960) was right in that range but it weighed a few thousand lbs less at its highest loadout IIRC.

All of the speeds are a grain of salt though in some ways with most of these Jets.

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Guest Mike

Looks like the 550-ish mph figure might be the accurate one - it ties in with 553 mph in the outline of the XP-80A published by Edwards AF Base .

Later marks were faster - the P-80C getting to 594mph - but it was XP-80A's that were sent to Europe for evaluation in 1945.

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Trying to put something like the Me163 in DiF would require some special rules, as in the real a/c nearly all the fuel was used up in the initial climb to altitude, so to be any where near accurate, would have to have special rules with severe limits on climbing or even maintaining an altitude level more than one turn.

Basically, you'd get one, or at the very most two attacks on a bomber before going down. They couldn't do anything against a fighter unless it just got in the way to be shot at.

Also, I don't believe that Hitler's insistance on a bomber version really delayed the Me2622 fighter much, if any. The real problem was developing the engines to a level of reliability allowing practical use. Even in late '44 when they started actually deploying a few, the time between overhauls was only 50 hours and very few lasted that long without failure.

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As to some of the others, the Ohka was an air 2 surface weapon with no air combat capability of any sort.

The Ryan Fireball was found to offer no performance advantage over existing pure-prop a/c (but did prove useful providing training in jet a/c for maintainance people).

The Northrop FH1 did enter service (eventually) in small numbers, but had performance only slightly superior to the later prop a/c (top speed was below 500 mph) and the slow engine throttle response made for all kinds of problems doing carrier landings.

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Guest Mike

There have been some suggestions as to how to handle the 163, but I've no idea what path it's actually going to take, or even if it will be included in the near future.

As for teh 262 - Willy Messerschnidt told both Hitler and Goering that the a/c had been designed to carry bombs from the outset, which it had not, and agreed to produce it as a fighter-bomber. But he did nothing at all towards that objective!!

when hitler found out he threw a tantrum, it all got blamed on Milch by Goering (Milch had supported Messerschmidt in not developing a Jabo), and Hitler insisted all development now be concentrated on the Jabo.

Prototype V10 was hurriedly adapted to the role and Hitler was mollified. He then allowed continued development of eth fighter as long as it didn't slow down Jabo production.

He finally agreed to abandon Jabo development/production only after there proved to be no "real" invasion over the Pas de Calais, but still insisted that any fighters be easily convertable to the Jabo role.

So really the design and buildign of the bomber had almost no effect on the production schedule at all.

Zanadu is being generous with the life of the Jumo 004B engines - 15-20 hours was more typical. the "B" engine used much less of the rare high temperature materials and alloys than the "A" engine had, and was considerably lighter.

But the materials used were subject to overheating hence reducing the life of the engine - the typical problem was that a pilot would open the throttle too fast, pouring fuel into the engine which would burn, but the airflow would not have increased enough to provide cooling - hence it would overheat, causing the turbines to disintigrate.

I recall reading somewhere that allied test pilots post war were very wary of flying the 262's because they had no idea how long the engines had run since their last overhaul, and they were liable to fail at any time.

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Stalin wrote, "There have been some suggestions as to how to handle the 163, but I've no idea what path it's actually going to take, or even if it will be included in the near future."

Wow there has? I must not be privy to all sorts of information at the DIF Skunkworks! I think its because Dan sent me a list of planes and then decided not to tell me some werent going to be made for the expansion and others were!

I quit, send me my final paycheck!


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Guest Mike

I found a couple of Russian efforts that were missing from that list above

Sukhoi Su-5 and Mig I-250

Both of these a/c used a hybrid "accelerator" which consisted of an engine driven fan pushing air through a combustion chamber at the rear of the a/c where fuel was injected and ignited, providing 900 lbs thrust for up to 10 minutes.

The engine also drove a conventional propellor.

Both a/c flew during the war but by 1944 it as clear that "pure" jets were the way to go.

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