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Some interface suggestions

Guest Mike

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1/ I just recently bought a permanent skill I didn't mean to while getting extra cards & redraws. It was a fairly cheap one and right next to redraw I think, and I ticked it by mistake & couldn't give it back....although that wouldn't have helped because I didn't realise I had it until I was flying!

However I think the ability to return skills you've just bought before exiting the screen would be useful.

2 - along the same lines could the extra cards's & redraws be put in a seperate window in the purchase skills dialogue? Possibly including the number currently held, and +/- buttons/arrows to increase or decrease (but not decrease below the number held at the start obviously)

3/ A list of the highest weekly scores ever achieved in each category would make a nice hall of fame addition to the portal page I think

[ February 05, 2006, 03:56 PM: Message edited by: Stalin's Organist ]

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an opponent I fought recently had a ton of Target pilot he'd bought and claimed he didn't realize what they did. Once I explained he wanted to know if he could somehow delete them but you can't.

I notice on the home page lists are "pilot name" then player name. But on the leader board it is in reverse with Player name, then Pilot name. Couldn't these be made the same?

Maybe one could be allowed to delete skills and cards in the manage pilot screen and get half value back?

I liked one player's suggestion of gun pods. Maybe this could be added as a temporary card only for the next battle?

Maybe the hall of fame could also list best scores vs humans to encourage more human vs human play?

Also maybe in manage pilots one could have a graveyard with headstones of lost pilots that one could click on to look at their records.

Fuel: optional rule that if used gives a random chance of that player withdrawing a turn early due to low fuel or getting an extra turn if he purchased fuel pods.

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