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Question about promotions


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How do promotion schedules work? I ask because I have a Major who is a leader pilot with 59 kills and 55 damages. The problem is his wingman is a LtCol who has 38 kills and 59 damages. They both have 71 missions and the leader has like 70 more experience. Now I guess I wouldnt mind if it just occured, but the wingman reached LtCol 14 missions ago....

Any idea why this is and wouldnt it be weird to have a wingman make full bird before his leader hits LtCol?


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Promotions are based on two factors:

1. The pilot must have accumulated the number of "Rank Points" required for the next rank. The rank points are earned based on the mission results (ie, a "Minor Victory" would provide more rank points than a "Draw").

2. Once you have the required number of rank points for the next rank, there is a random percentage chance each time that pilot flies a mission that he will be promoted. The higher the rank, the lower the chance of being promoted. For example, I think the chance of being promoted to General is around 5%.

So in your case, it sounds like your leader has the required number of rank points, but he just hasn't hit the random percentage yet. Perhaps he has pissed off his superior officer and is being passed over for promotion.

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