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Direct X error when trying to play campaign.


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Running the newly installed full version I get the following error log when attempting to play a mission from the campaign (versus the AI).

Running WinME and no obvious errors apparant in DXDiag. Any thoughts?

03/10/2005 19:02:11 Microsoft.DirectX.DirectPlay Error in the application. at Microsoft.DirectX.DirectPlay.Lobby.Client.ConnectApplication(ConnectInformation connectInformation, Int32 timeOut, Object applicationContext)

at bartbert.games.difo.client.forms.LobbyClientForm.JoinGame(SessionInfoStruct SessionInfo)

03/10/2005 19:02:51 Microsoft.DirectX.DirectPlay Error in the application. at Microsoft.DirectX.DirectPlay.Lobby.Client.ConnectApplication(ConnectInformation connectInformation, Int32 timeOut, Object applicationContext)

at bartbert.games.difo.client.forms.LobbyClientForm.JoinGame(SessionInfoStruct SessionInfo)

03/10/2005 19:07:42 Microsoft.DirectX.DirectPlay Error in the application. at Microsoft.DirectX.DirectPlay.Lobby.Client.ConnectApplication(ConnectInformation connectInformation, Int32 timeOut, Object applicationContext)

at bartbert.games.difo.client.forms.LobbyClientForm.JoinGame(SessionInfoStruct SessionInfo)

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Hmmm. A couple of questions:

1. Does this only happen on campaign games? Are you able to play a regular dogfight against the AI online?

2. Did you previously have the Demo version installed, and if so, were you able to play the Dukirk demo campaign?

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oh I forgot Im running XP sp2

heres the actual message;

error occured in MS Directx.directplay

Trace info: at microsoft.directx.directplay.lobby.client.connectapplication(connectinformation, connectinformation,int32 timeout, object application context)at bartbert.games.difo.clients.forms.lobbyclientform.joingame(sessioninfostruct sessioninfo)

again HELP!!!!!!!!

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Thanks for the quick response. In answer to your questions:

(1) Just checked a regular dogfight online against the AI and I get the same error.

(2) Never actually got around to the campaign with the demo following your sorting out the initial connection problems with campaigns so I don't know. Don't have the demo installed any more - mea culpa.

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I have a very similar problem, although in my case it is sporadic. In general, I get the error whenever I try to join a game (Online or campaign) or start a game. I normally have to try 2 to 3 times to get through.

This has been happening all along, although it seems slightly worse in full version than it was in the demo.

It is an annoyance more than anything, since I can still play, but it would be nice if it could be solved.

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I guess the difference between the demo and full is the memory usage. On my system (XP SP2, athlon 2800+ 1GB ram), the demo game & lobby clients use about 20 Mb each while the retail version the lobby needs about 50Mb and the game about 60Mb (the exact amount varies constantly by about +- 3 Mb).

I get very rare connection failures at start. My guess is that the system takes too much time swapping the client back into memory, thus causing a timeout. Since I get a confortable amount of RAM, I assume the problem could be more frequent on 512 or even 256 Mb systems, and also such programs as anti-viruses (especially coupled with mail clients) could cause a lot of memory swap.

To minimize the problem, I changed the settings of my mailer to check for mail less often, thus leaving the anti-virus mail check inactive most of the time and reducing the memory strain.

Just my 2 cents...

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Just a quick update on this one to confirm what I have already emailed to Brian. Following the recent update things have improved considerably from my perspective.

I find that I am able to play campaign missions without any problems and am only getting the DirectX error for single on-line missions about 50% of the time i.e.It has become intermittent. I guess it may be the case that the campaign missions could have an intermittent fault too but at a low enough percentage that I haven't had one yet.

Either way things seem to be going forward - keep up the good work.

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