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SC1 or SC2 both are okay

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Granted more work is needed for both. This is only a opinion. I really would have like to see a larger map and smaller units. Any time you play a grand scale strategy game like this. Units seem to be to strong or to weak. I really do miss playing some of the old map games of the late 70's and early 80's. I really would like to see something of the nature of that again. Where you can build standard Divisions or nasty SS divisions. I know there is a editor there and map maker to do this. But with life, I have a business to run and no time to play with map making. Hell some times I don't even have time to play. Players should point out what they would like to have changed or corrected. But it's just a game, HC and Blashy have and sounds like, devoted a lot of there time to making this. Hopefully they are paid well for this, and the abuse they recieve. I hate to think they have other jobs as well to take care of there family. All I can say is keep on working on the games. And if I feel the game is not worth what I paid for, so what. I have lost more money in the casinos. Anyway be good and be safe.

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