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Sc 2 - American Civil War

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If SC2 were to be used to duplicate the US civil war it would definately need rail roads as a terrain type.

Moreover, HQ units should be rated for Initiative, Speed, Attack and Defense as some generals of the war just didn't advance their troops when told to do so and others were much better on the defense than the attack.

Inititiative - % that units under the generals command will follow orders and move.

10 - 100% to Move

5 - 75% to Move

1 - 55% to Move

Speed - Covers the speed with which a commanders units move. some generals were more cautious and advanced their troops slower than others. A Penalty to Action Points for units commanded by that General. For example a Cavalry Unit might move 4 hexes instead of 5 and an army unit 2 hexes instead of 3.

[ April 25, 2004, 06:45 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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This one is going be a real design challenge.

Don't forget that Operate Moves are a representation of railroads. The Union just needs to have alot more than the South.

The number one design problem, is what you have mentioned. The leadership (ie Generals) of each side. You need some way to represent the Union Generals lack of iniative. Which does get corrected in the later years with later Generals (like Grant and Sherman).

One way you could think about this, it to have the Union troops have a lower AP rating than the Souths. Then, only allow the Union to invest in "mechanization"... which in this era would represent the political struggle to get more aggressive Northern leaders.

PS... if you did the above, then HQ's would represent supply depots. In that case, I wouldn't let them move at all once they are emplaced.

You can represent the Strategic importance each side gave to their respective capitols, by identifying each capital. That way, if Wash fell, the game is over for the North (ie like Paris). Same with Richmond, though you could make a point that even if Richmond fell, the South should be able to relocate its capital (ie like Moscow).

The combat stats on the Army unit, should be beefed up greatly, while Corp units should be lowered to almost nothing. Then...

Army units could be formations like Army of Northern Virginia, Army of Potomac, Army of Tennesse, Army of Cumberland, etc, which may or may not have organic Cavalry brigades.

Corp units could be the smaller independent commands, like what Van Dorn, Sheridan, ect had.

Armor unit would be your Cavalry Brigade equivalents. Would have to weaken the combat factors, as thier main advantage is mobility.

Then map wise, it would appear logical to have each Confederate state represent a "nation", same with the border states. The Union states could all be just one nation, with boundaries drawn in for aesthetic reasons.

You could pick a tech (ie long range), call it "cavalry reconnaisance" and then give the South a much better ability than the North. This way, the North investing in this tech, would allow a better "spotting" value for its Armies and Cavalry units (but not the Corps).

I have no idea how you would represent attrition, which was a major problem during this era.

Rename the "anti-tank" tech to something else (command and control?), which would represent the ability of the Armies to increase the number of units under its command (ie initial 10 str pts increasing to 14 or so).

Also have no idea how you would represent the Union Naval blockade. Strat bombers "bombing" the port cities would give the proper effect, but I don't think many players would be able to zen belief that.

[ April 25, 2004, 08:49 PM: Message edited by: Shaka of Carthage ]

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Excellent points.

As for the naval blockade, say a lend lease routes to the UK and France with US Ships able to interdict these routes - ie can Surface ships interdict lead lease routes. The surface ships would also beable to bombard ports.

The UK and France would be be neutral nations that can't produce units only send lend lease to the confederate states based on the the Contol of various States and diplomatic efforts. If the CSA loses control of too many states then Europe stops shipping to them.

Also, over time the Northern Economy would steadily grow stronger, from say 50% to 100% this would reflect. Whereas the southern economy would be relatively static.

Cavalry units would also see a higher spotting range, perhaps 3 hexes (TILES!) and Army units would see their spotting range reduced to 1 hex (TILE!) as both sides during this period used cavalry units to spot the enemy forces.

NO Air Units

Ship Units - Ironclads, Warships, Privateers, Transports

Land Units - Army, Corps, Cavalry, Engineer

HQ Units

Ideally the South Would have build units that vary based on the number of cities that it controls.

I agree, if Richmond falls then the capital relocates to Atlanta.

But the key problem as you confirmed is going to be HQ units which need a rating for initiative or as you said allow the North to invest in Mechanization.

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