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ColumbusOHGamer ...how could one possibly know what name or words was in a Campaign or Scenario Title to use in searching for a game?.

Is it possible instead, to just have a selection as...'LIST ALL GAMES' or 'LIST ALL GAMES, MOST RECENT GAMES FIRST, and so on!.

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Originally posted by Retributar:

ColumbusOHGamer ...how could one possibly know what name or words was in a Campaign or Scenario Title to use in searching for a game?.

Is it possible instead, to just have a selection as...'LIST ALL GAMES' or 'LIST ALL GAMES, MOST RECENT GAMES FIRST, and so on!.

Originally posted by Blashy:

These options are already there.


Did you look at all the choices in the menu? There are many ways to view ALL of the campaigns....

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