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Does SC2 have a Win Loss Scorecard?

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Does SC2 have a Win Loss scorecard that tracks your record against the AI (aka Civilization, GalCiv, et. al).

ie Scenario - Opponent - Game End Date - Win/Loss - Score and a randomly selected pithy comment - ie "You're no Napoleon", "Patton would be proud" - based on actions.

Sample scorecard comments:

"Otto von Bismarck would be proud." (if Axis wins after swaying Spain or Turkey to their side with diplomacy)

"You're no Caesar" (if Axis lose)

"You're no Frederick the Great" (if Axis lose)

"You're no Napoleon" (if Allies lose)

"You're no Ulysses S. Grant" (if Allies lose)

"You remind me of General Lee" (if the allied loss comes in 1946 or thereafter)

"Patton would be proud" (if USA unit takes Berlin)

"The Commonwealth honors you" (If UK unit takes Berlin)

"Impatience was your downfall" (if Allies lose after attempting an early D-Day)

"Your victory honors Mother Russia" (if Russia takes Berlin with minimal losses)

"Your maddness honors Stalin" (if Russia takes Berlin with high casualties)

"You remind me of Gaius Terentius Varro" (A dishonored tribune of Rome during the 2nd Punic War)

[ December 28, 2005, 11:12 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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