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Russia Attacking Neutrals

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This topic was brought up in a post on the AI in SC2:

Originally posted by Mr.Dozer:

how about russia can attack countries around it when it neutral but when it does it decreases russian readyness.

Originally posted by synystr:

I agree with Retributar, that the Soviet Union shoulnd't at default be able to prematurely attack Germany.

pzgndr briefly discussed this in the post following this one.

My thoughts:

1. Neutral Russia should be able to DOW Finland, Sweden, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Romania and Baltic States. They should even be able to attack Germany once Russian war readiness exceeds 80%.

2. There should be consequences for each of these actions:

2a. Russia DOW Germany before 100% war readiness - Reduces American war readiness, may cause domino effect of Spain, Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary allying with Germany to fight the red menace. An AI controlled UK may even offer to make peace with the Axis. Why? - the Western fear of the Red Menace permeated the thinking of many governments of the time.

2b. Russia DOW Finland - Improves Swedish and Norwegian relations with Germany.

2c. Russia DOW Iran - Improves Iraqi and Turkish relations with Germany as both would fear futher Russian expansion plans.

2d. Russia DOW Iraq - Improves Iranian and Turkish relations with Germany, No Merchant Shipping from Iraq to UK.

2e. Russia DOW Romania - Causes Bulgaria to Join Axis and Improves German relations with Turkey and Iraq.

Summary: Neutral Communist Russia should be able to DOW adjacent neutrals, but this strategy will likely excerbate fears of the red menance in other countries. The conseqences of such actions may out weigh the benefits to be gained from a policy of territorial expansion. This does not even account for the costs associated with crushing the snti-communist partisan resistance forces in each conquered nation.

[ January 16, 2006, 07:26 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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Originally posted by pzgndr:

There is an event for the Winter War with Finland:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Treaty of Moscow and the Soviet-Finnish Winter War – A territory event. There will be a 60% chance per turn after February 12, 1940, that USSR annexes territory from Finland following the end of their Winter War. The historical date was March 12, 1940.

This gives the Russians a few more tiles and doesn't change much else. Statistically there's a slim chance it might not happen at all by Barbarossa...

Just having the opportunity to conduct research and production for a neutral Russia and having the freedom to deploy as desired is fascinating. There may be other things we can consider later, like allowing neutral Russia to attack other neutrals like Turkey, but this is minor stuff. The important stuff is taken care of! :cool: </font>

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