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subs deck guns and night day/effects

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will subs be able to use ther deck guns?

uboats and other subs used them bvery well during the war

a couple uboat aces sunk quite a few ships with them

and im sure that like me, everyone that has played Silent Hunter II sunk quite a few ships with ther uboats guns ;)

whcih brings us to night/day effects

will they be simulated?

will this eable the computer and the ai to decide whether or not to have ur sub use torps or dek guns?

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Don't know whether that feature will be simulated or not!.

I personally favor advances in Sub-Warfare in the game...that could even supercede the Deck-Gun!.

The Germans were experimenting with Wire-Guided and Wireless missile systems. Imagine a surfacing Sub having Wire-Guided missiles deploying on deck from with-in the sub...then, these missiles could be launched and directed onto a ship target and follow the ship as it moves...making it nearly impossible to not hit and destroy the target!.

This system might be much more effective than torpedo's...and a lot faster than torpedo's.

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SC/SC2 are Grand Strategy games... deck guns have no significance at this level.

Wire guided missiles... I believe if you look at todays ships, you will see that missiles have replaced the larger guns on surface ships, but not torpedos. Why would you want to bring your sub to the surface to attack something, when you could do it "in hiding" with a torpedo?

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Wire Guided!,...much faster than torpedo's!,... & cant miss!.

This would only be useful when it was too dark for aircraft to see visually...as any daytime attack ...surface or underwater was too dangerous anyway... .

And if these wire guided missles are 'much faster' than torpedo's...then, a sub would have more time to submerge after launch. Twice to four times as much time i dont know!.

This was just a hypothetical thought that came to mind...i have no idea if it was ever tested or concerned with.

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