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SC2 Request: Auto-ladder system

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I just think it would be great to have an auto-ladder system embedded in SC2, just like those games on the internet like chess and pool. Even tho, Sc2 is ”almost” out there i dont think it would be a pain in the ass fo HC to install such a thing.

A little explanation for those of u that dont know about it. Say u start with 1500 points and u “gamble” yer points with yer opponent. Say game is Terif 4800 vs Kuni 456, if Kuni loses (well, this is just a feasible outcome, aint it? :D ) but good news for Kuni is he would only lose a couple of points, but if Kuni wins he could win like 50 points. This would be an ever lasting ladder and it would be great to see how is yer opponent rated.

I know this system wont work for Rambo cos as long as he gets into a bad streak we will have to face Rambo II (1500), Rambo III (1500),... :D

BTW, how close is the game to be released?

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