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Have a date for french version ?

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I have seen in the french revue "CYBERSTRATEGE" that french version will be perhaps available this summer. Right ?

Have you chose your french partner ? And is the initial project to use CD check ( and no digital key) for copy protection decided ? I am very impatient to buy my five french copies of the game and place them in my safe :D ( I do not laught : I will realy buy 5 copies ! It's the game of my life smile.gif )

For information : CYBERSTRATE was rating SC2 4,5/5 on scale 1 to 5. It's one of the better rate for a wargame : Cyberstratege is very "hard strict" in rating games.

[ April 25, 2006, 02:26 PM: Message edited by: fantomas ]

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1/ OK, thanks.

If you have problems for forms of French sentences, I can help you

(not help for translation, because my english is to poor, but I may read your translation (I.e in word format) and say to you (with color corrections in word) if the texte will be good understanded by french players) ;)

2/ May you confirm me that french version will no work with digital key of activation for protection, but with traditionnel CD protection system ? It is very important for me : I prefer to have the game definitively,because this game is now one essential part of my "wargaming life" ;)tongue.gif

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1) There is a native-speaking translator team already setup, but thanks for the offer!

2) I cannot confirm this because the protection is the obligation of the distribution partner, and I don't know and have no say over what type of copy protection they will be using.


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Not that i will ever deal with this situation...but!, will SC2 play between say a French/English or German/French player or English/German player, showing the respective player ... the game in their language???.

In-fact!,...will different SC2 game copies for each country...or...'International' games be able to set up competitions between player's from different countries?.

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What, you guys don't trust me with my high school French from 30 years ago?? And I'm a Macon, so that should count for something! LOL. It's difficult enough to explain everything about SC2 in plain English. I'll let Walkon do what they can. ;)

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