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I've just started playing this game, along with the WaW-expansion. I have a question regarding medals/experience. I play against the allies in Fall Weiss and when i click on an enemy unit there is a row of medals, and then a small gap and then some more medals. What does this mean? My units only have one row of medals.

Oh, another thing springs to mind, is there any way of telling what units can take upgrades without checking each and every one out?

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Concerning experience bars: the first medals (up two five) show the experience the unit earned itself... the remainig two (on the other side) show the bars AI units have from start on (to make them fight better).. you can determine that when you start the game (max. 2).

Concerning upgrades: the best way two know what you can upgrade is to have in mind what feature you have already researched. I.e.: if you have Infantry Weapons researched to LVL 2 as Germany, you can upgrade all german infantry units (and attached Minors) to IW LVL2, as long as they have supply level 5 at least. Check the research table for further info.

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