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Anybody up for a game? April 30 -- 1218hrs EST

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Anybody up for a game?

Finished my first with a victory and looking for another round. smile.gif

I dont promise to be much better than the AI as an opponent, but I do promise not to quit, logout, or otherwise stop in the middle even if the game is looking grim for me. smile.gif

I will be checking my account [silvercourage()hotmail.com], ICQ, and these boards for nibbles of interest.

Game on!


p.s. I have all day today so length of play shouldnt be a problem... smile.gif

[ September 19, 2006, 11:07 AM: Message edited by: An Old Man ]

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Woot! Victory is mine! Again! smile.gif

He played the Axis and his strategy unraveled when I trapped his entire fleet against coast of Norway on turn 3 or so of the game. He had planned a number of tech chits in advanced subs so this was a tough blow.

The second blow came with wet weather from October '39 to mid-June '40. Rain and mud, rain and mud, snow, rain and mud, etc...

This pushed his time table to far back and after some tough battles, he surrendered to the allies.

All in all a fun game. smile.gif

CharonJr was a fun opponent and I would play him again.

Woot! 2-0!

--AOM tongue.gif

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Hehe, yup, nice game, but no way I could have made up those losses against a competent player and AOM seems like one smile.gif

He could have turned the Med into his personal fishing pond and constantly threaten an early Italian invasion.

I addition my 10 total chits in techs refused to fire till mid '40 (btw, I took back and reinvested those sub chits after my fleet was at the bottom of the North Sea, but at a 50% loss ;) ).

IMO basically when the German fleet is destroyed and the Allies can move most of theirs to the Med and threaten an invasion there or an early invasion in France the game is over for the Axis unless they get some lucky breaks (techs). Too many units are needed to secure all those landing sites to have any chance to make meaningful progress in the Soviet Union.


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