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I envisage to make a special MOD for SC2 "NAPOLEON VS EUROPA" when it leaves.

I seek the old "démo" of Battleground Waterloo of talonsoft (for decoration and sounds)

idem: I seek also the old demo of Battleground the Ardennes for a MOD "BARBAROSSA" with SC2 (for decoration and sounds)

Can Quelqu'un send them to me?

[ October 19, 2005, 12:42 PM: Message edited by: fantomas ]

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I envision I wouldn't play it. Global warfare is much more fun than focusing on (of all countries) france.

And you're history must be cracked. Barbarossa was a campaign for Germany to fight the Russians. Heavy fighting in the Ardennes (Battle of the Bulge for instance) didn't occur until after the Operation Overlord's enactment.

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'fantomas'...i think i can help you out there!...send me EXACT-DETAILS of what you want and ill try to give you what i can!.

The main problem is how to transfer information to you...because E-Mail has a very limited capacity for sending information. I have trouble using FTP > File Tranfer Protocol...its too confusing...so i would need help from someone to use it!. 'FTP' is the only way im aware of...of how to transfer more than 3MB at a time!.

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'fantomas'...i think i can help you out there!...send me EXACT-DETAILS of what you want and ill try to give you what i can!.

The main problem is how to transfer information to you...because E-Mail has a very limited capacity for sending information. I have trouble using FTP > File Tranfer Protocol...its too confusing...so i would need help from someone to use it!. 'FTP' is the only way im aware of...of how to transfer more than 3MB at a time!.

Send information request to amgi3@comcast.net

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Ive got the Battle-Ground WATERLOO CD-ROM, but my or your (Destination)E-Mail removed the files i sent!. ***Ive also got the Battle-Ground Ardenne CD-ROM too!.


The files i sent by E-Mail were scrubbed...all the information was removed...why?...i don't know...these are the messages i got when i checked my E-Mail!.


Service de distribution du courrier <postmaster@laposte.net>

Ces destinataires ont été traités par le serveur de messagerie :

general.ben@laposte.net; Échec; 5.2.2 (boîte aux lettres saturée)


SO...does anyone know how i can send large files?...since regular E-Mail is not really designed for this purpose!.

[ June 07, 2004, 11:14 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]

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'mpacc'...i went to that site...and am sending a Zipped file of the entire Bgw (BattleGround WATERLOO)game to 'fantomas' right now.

Its been sending for a few minutes right now,...it might take a half hour or more to send everything!.

Anyway, it seems to be working,thanks for your help 'mpacc'!.

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File Transfer: Completed

Your file has been successfully sent!

We've stored your file on our server and sent your recipient an email with instructions for retrieving it.

We're glad that you find our services useful


***Try to send only around 100MB at a time***

Also this Service takes only 1-FILE AT A TIME ...so you will need to zip a group of files into a Zip-File and then send it. If you have a Cable-Modem...it takes around a little over 1-Minute per MB to upload...and less time for the recipient to download.

If you try to send much more than 100MB...then you face 'Server Resets'...and other factors which frequently enough end up in a 'Failed-Send'.

Also during the 'Send'...the Web-Page that is doing the Send must not be interfered with...that page must stay open. Open up another Web-Page with your 'Internet-Explorer-Browser'...if you need too!.

[ June 26, 2004, 03:40 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]

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Helelo: Thank you very much for the files !

I will to open all that. First, I want to make 2 mods: 1/to make a European campagne 1800-1810(playable human vs human or human vs IA) 2/ to make in a small battle napoléonnienne with special rules (playable human vc human). Thre is no map editor on SC1 but it' possible with a small tip )

And with SC2, prepearing "barbarossa mod" with decorations of BG Ardennes ( WWII)

Other problem : I have others mods,and I want send them to strategiccommand HQ for diffusion. But I can't send an e-mail. The adresse of the site is no correct ( ?)

Who can help me, please ?

Otto Torriero

(otto@ww2n.com) = this adress doesn't worf correctly when I try to send my messages and files mods.

Strategic Command HQ


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