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SC2 WW2 Global war

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Who is 1nterested in putting together a pacific and european WW2 scenario?

1) I can do the research with regards to OOB for the pacific units and also cities, resources for Japan

2) We need a map maker.

3) Script writer

4) We need one reasearcher each for US, UK, USSR minors for deployments, resources, cities in the Pacific

Time line start is September 1939.

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Moon provided some hints yesterday:

2. I think that Hubert has some plans already in the drawer, but it's his choice if/when to reveal them An expansion pack at some point (once the base game is rock solid) is definitely something we'll try to convince him of in any case. Not sure what it will cover, but with the powerful editor features it would be a sin to let the opportunity go by without touching different periods. Also, a pack with focus on the pacific (with some special naval combat rules/scripts) and/or a whole world scenario/map would be good options for add-ons.

As far as a world scenario goes, there are a few important changes/enhancements that are needed to get a decent global (e.g., World in Flames, A World at War) campaign functioning. I'm just saying... ;)
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