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Set Dates, Releases and Liam's Take

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Well, folks here is one of the more opinionated souls on the Forum and one of top players making a comment on the game of SC2 and it's release.

First of all, Tile VS Hex, who cares that's not important. We've seen the ScreenShots I'm not put off, Tile, Hex or Territory neither makes a difference if the tactical and strategic options are available. It may not be a rebirth of SC1 but it will be a fun game. Heck, the Demo will allow you the ability to try it, forget the hype and leave these boards alone and let ole Huey in Peace ;)

As far as a Release is concerned, I've actually dealt with REAL software production personally. I have managed a software company, more than ONE smile.gif

You can visit me at TMSFORMS but my other two stores are closed now. Both mostly due to BIG BUSINESS<the enemy of the small guy like Battlefront and myself> You see Civilization 4, you see it is the #1 Game for your Strategic Game Lovers? It's overrated. It's good, granted, not great however, though opinions may differ.

It takes a massive amount energy to build a game, and this man isn't paid by the hour, it's the hopes that he sells that gets him a paycheck. What will happen is this, he projects a certian amount of sells if they don't hit that, he is going to lose out on his "time". Personally in programming, production, etc.. that means that if you make 4 bucks an hour because it wasn't a Major Hit, then you get screwed, not a bad living but mine as well gone to MCD's you'd make better but one pays better and is a surefire thing. Now I do not feel this will be the case with SC2, I definitely see that there will be a major payback on his time but you have to realize also if it's flawed and he's not really finished because he didn't plan for what size project this he may not tell you but it's not really his responsability you should know smile.gif This is HUGE, MASSIVE takes a lot of work. Sure you will lay down your 40 or 50 bucks but it's taking him 8 hours a day and the commitment, he is likely not with a massive team either. There is no UberProduction Date, with Millions of Copies presold, if there were you'd not be talking about this game it would be released.

<even still in MOO3 case, it was delayed 3 years and look, they should've delayed indefinitely>


Moving on, if SC2 does come and out I get a chance to play it and life hasn't moved me to a new location I will enjoy it. It'll play on Slower Machines, it isn't a UberModern set of software it is downward compatible, it'll likely run smooth 56k..it is appealing to a MINOR Isolated crowd<Yes folks you are a Minority you are the 1 percentile noone cares about> we're like the Lesbians of On-Line Games :(

Yep, well, I'm proud anyone want to take this Washington and March on the Capitol? There should be 50 Wargames released per year with Hex, Grid, Tile...All on a Strategic level, mixed tactical. However this is no the case, more like 2 or 3<if we're lucky>

However Developers like BF and such gives me hope I had thought this Genre to be extinct after SSI's plummet and now I see a rebirth. You see what the other guys are making, the top games are for 18 year olds.. Us Old Dogs are fading away... Support your HexMan. We're the few the proud and the lifeless. All we want is relive history all night long and love the hell outta kicking the rears of our Adversary! We're a friggin' odd bunch<perhaps we need a Movie not a game> ROFL

Support him or you'll lose out smile.gif

By The Way Happy Holidays BattleFront and HC, Good Luck on this title.. And COPYPROTECT your stuff, I'd be a lot richer if I Had.......<tell the truth, always tell the truth, People will whine and cry but they will have faith>

[ December 27, 2005, 11:31 AM: Message edited by: Liam ]

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