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Some Singleplayer options i would like to see

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Some Pre- and Ingame-Options i would like to see (just in case that there might be a good fairy out there listening)


Do you wish to play as general only?

only the AI is allowed to purchase, develop and use diplomatic options for your side

Do you wish to sign the Hitler-Stalin Pact?

if no: slightly more plunder and map-gains after poland, but russian units starting the war with more readiness and some extra fortifications)

Do you wish to install Vichy?

if no, france fights on from its colonies

Do you wish to declare preemptive war against germany?

If no, russia gets some free diplo chits and a slightly higher income

Do you wish to change sides with the AI?

change the sides whenever you want

Do you wish to introduce enhanced strategic bombing?

if ressources get hit from strategic bombers, a randomly chosen unit suffers a permanent malus. Examples: one step less movement ability, one step less attack strength, 20% readiness loss etc, or maybe even a research chit could get lost . Would give strategic bombing quite a bit more spice


[ September 02, 2006, 10:23 AM: Message edited by: xwormwood ]

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Here's something I'd like to see:

When I'm playing the Allies why is it that Russia joins the Allies at a certain point if Germany hasn't attacked them yet?

In a game I'm playing now I wished I could have put off that decision to a later date given the state of my forces and the situation.

Since I'm supposed to be in charge of almost all the major war decisions, shouldn't this be up to me?

Same with USA, but I can't imagine how slowing their entry into the war could benefit the Allies.

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Nice, list. I especially like the idea of allowing Russia to declare a preemptive war.

In fact I would - allow Russia to DOW specific nations such as Turkey, Romania and Finland in addition to Germany.


Russia DOW Germany in 1940 or prior

--- UK and France offer peace with Germany, which the Axis player can accept or decline.

--- Activates convoy routes to Germany from Western Allies as they support Germany's fight against the red menance.

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