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Amphibious Invasion-What am I missing?

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I've been playing as the Allies in the whole campaign (starting in 1939).

Eventually it comes time for the Americans to invade Tunisia/Italy/Spain, etc. No matter what I do I can never get anywhere. My units don't have enough supply to do anything and they can't dislodge the Axis units defending in cities.

Today I tried to invade Portugal (Spain had gone Axis and the Germans had taken Portugal). I landed units to take the city in Portugal and supported it with naval bombardment. The naval bombardment didn't reduce the entrenchment level for some reason and my multiple units couldn't reduce the defending German unit.

Please give me advice on how to to an amphibious invasion properly. Thanks.

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Did you send an HQ? These are vital. they provide supply and exp to troops. without them you'll be donw to supply 0.

With just a HQ close by you get supply 4 or less ( depending on distance)

If you can capture a port or city then the HQ supply base can go up 8 or even 10 giving your units supply 7 or less.

Naval bombardment reduces morale and does stratgic damage to cities or ports but doesn't always score a hit to reduce entrenchment. carriers do though

Your priority should be to secure a port/ city to get the supply up.

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