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I am wondering if constant length turns would work


Right now the winter months zip past, while a number

of campaigns had crucial battles during that time.

You really don't quite get the kind of breather you

should right now. You could still restrict

movement (snow probably should have an additional

-1 move penalty), but it would have to be

balanced by some MPP adjustment.

Playing in the editor I see I can normalize MPP

production for X days. Doing some quick calculations...

Right now you get 15-16 turns per year (for your

side). If we go with biweekly turns that's 26

turns per month, which would require about a 40%

reduction (60% of what you get now) in MPPs, which

would peg the normalization at 21 days or so, so

that MPPs before ~= MPPs after.

Certainly something we could test.

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The Editor does provide this flexibility and although it appears to be a simple mod, you have to be careful. The trick is trying to scale everything back about 40%, like all the unit AP values for everyone, etc. There's a lot to consider when trying to convert from one scale to another.

The normalization feature is something players should try. If you think there's a lot of ebb and flow with weather effects, just wait until you see how seasonal production swings back and forth. You need to force yourself to save those extra winter MPPs to get through the long hot summer. It's a different game.

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