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When will the Soviet Union declare war in SC 2?

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I think the Soviet Unions war readiness is rising to quickly in SC 1. The leadership of the Sovjet Union was totally unsuspecting of and equally unprepared for "Operation Barbarossa" in the summer of '41. In my opinion the SU should not enter the war any sooner than summer 1942. I can see why in terms of gameplay and balance an earlier war entry is favorable but at least it should take the allied player some major diplomatic ressouces to achieve this.

Possibly there could be also an extended "SU prepares for war" period that increases the strenght of the soviet forces each round to give the axis player an incentive to attack as soon as possible. Or there could be a popup window asking for concessions in eastern europe by the axis player to decrease the Soviets war readiness. Or something completely different (Yes I am talking to you Mr. Edwin P. ;) ).

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You are correct StefMan on your evaluation of the Soviet Union. As well as to your proposals to make the Soviet War-Entry more realistic ... instead of such massive and early Soviet preparation to attack Germany!.

Even when the Germans finally attacked...Stalin initially refused to believe that 'Herr Hitler' ... was really making war on him!.

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Grigsby's World at War has the Soviet Union frozen until '43 (unless certain conditions trigger an early entry) and I think it works just fine....Keep in mind though that WaW has no Diplomatic model which many view as a short coming in the game, so with SC 2, perhaps if the Axis player sees the Soviet war readiness start to rise, he can invest in some diplomatic/propaganda chits to reduce that readiness percentage...consider it as Germany's way of reassuring Russia, that despite what they think, their treaty is still sound, and the latter's willingness to believe it....I'm sure Edwin already covered this somewhere and in better detail....

[ January 02, 2006, 01:38 PM: Message edited by: J P Wagner ]

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