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Kuniworth vs Noknok Waterloo AAR

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Ok our long awaited game is here. We will be playing something I call Waterloo 1.1 which included some changes;

-Blucher now arrives with strength 5 instead of 10

-Adjacent penalty now 1 instead of 0

-Prussian starting position moved west to make them join the action on historical time.

-French La Marck regiment deleted.

-English units at Hougoumont-woods, Papelotte, La Haie, La Haye Sainte now entrenched. That was unfortunately over-looked in the 1.0 version.

-City of Braine l’Alleud now included on the far british right. That means Aubreme’s and Detmer’s brigades arrive at the start instead of turn 16.

-Base now give 50 and objectives 10 Morale points.

-Mon Plasir, Rosomme and some other farms changed to give 10 Morale Points.

-Entrenchment changed to 4 for forrests, 1 for crests and 8 for village, base, objectives and farms. This will hopefully increase the british defensive capability.

-England starts with an initial morale points base so they can rally on the first turn.

I play France and Noknok plays the allies.

Vive l'Emperuer!!!

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The battle begins!

Reille's II corps move on Hougoumont woods. With the new rules(adjacent penalty, more entrenchment, more english mmp etc) this is not as easy as before. However we manage to take out two regiments and reduce the rifle corps regiment to 1.

On our right D'Erlon's I corps make a probing attack on Papelotte. No damage to the Nassauers(?).

Otherwise quiet. The french army is moving up in the center!

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The glorious french army captures Ferme Papelotte!

On our left the hougoumont chateau will soon be under siege.

In the center our massed batteries bombard Ferme Le Haie Sainte!

In the far distance near st.Chapelle hillsides troops spotted. Prussians or Grouchy?

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Arriving troops confirmed to be prussians.

HUGE cavalry battle on our left flank. British attempt to relief pressure on the coldstream guards and mitchells brigade at Hougoumont ends in french success. Grant's, Arenschildts and Dörnbergers cavalry brigades routed!

On our right we surround La Haie.

In the center english artiellry are making advance difficult on La Haye Sainte.

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We slowly reduce entrenchments on british forward units but it is slow work.

The skirmish on the left has turned out to be the main attraction. Huge cavalry formatiosn fights it out. We lose some but to quote ourt famous foe Wellington;

"In for a penny in for a pound"!!!!

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15.00 something

We smash english forces on the left. Ponsonby's famous cavalry, the scots greys are dead.

In the center we try to catch the led in buckets. No advance possible.

On our right we have captured both La Haie and Papelotte and advance up the ridge!

Screenshot around 15.00 hours:


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The Garde attacks!

Aimed at the center they plow through the english forward units and hurt the 2nd KGL regiment at La Haie sainte.

On the left Hougoumont falls after a slaughter.

On our right there are slow progress. And then Blucher and the prussians arrive at Frischermont!!!!!!!!

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With immense will power the Chasseurs le Garde ignores the hail of english artillery fire and storms the farmhouse of La Haie Sainte! Cambronne's elit soldier clear out of the elit forces of the 2nd KGL regiment.

We are victorious on the left flank! Somersets heavy english cavalry are routed.

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English center holds. Chartrands chasseurs dies of english artillery but we have destroyed the british right and will soon be able to bring down the cavalry on the center. Help desperately needed there, our troops are bleeding everywhere.

Prussians outside Frischermont chateau and near Plancenoit.

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Frenchies are changing history here :(

I'm running out of time myself atm each round, the timer has reset to 6 min due to a crash. And with all the lag it's not possible to complete turns within the time. Can blame Vista ofcourse tongue.gif

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Wellington and Prince of Orange dead from a cavalry charge from the left flank.

Our right is holding barely, in the center we kill off some elite guard units but lose some too.

The center is odd, no full scale action. So artillery has a field day on both sides...

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around 19.00

Picton dies as we move up the ridge. But the french army is bleeding from all over, there are simply too few units left to fight all over the board. Cavalry is expensive as hell.

Unit-Losses stand at 8 prussians, 16 french and 36 or something routed british troops.

It looks like a draw.

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turn 27 of 30. The english are beaten but we cant get Mont St Jean in time. The prussians wont get La Haie either so this is a battle without a winner.

Clear french advantage but to no good. Game is a draw.

I played pretty well at times and got the upper hand with the big cavalry battles on the left at the start. But I didnt play good in the center and stayed on some sort of half-distance and let the english artillery kill off a lot of french units. Too bad.

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