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Hi All,

May I make a plea for scenario designers to state the objectives a little more clearly. I've downloaded tens of them and most of the time haven't a clue from the associated blurb.

In particular, those with 'Exit Areas' and no flags are particularly hard to decipher when all you get is a spiel about what happened once upon a time!

OK, I'm new to this game and probably missing something obvious! Please forgive my stupidity.


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Well its simple, most of the time. If there are VL's normally they are the objective. If there is an exit zone, and it says just exit zone, then exit all your troops, labled in the info screen, it says in small text "should exit for points." If its an enemy exit zone, then don't let any enemy units past your defences.

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And if there is no flag or exit points, it's usually just a plain old fight to rid of the enemy. Most of my maps do that, and though it may seem pretty dumb because there generally is no objective, most people who have played them say they liked them a lot. Well, hope I was of help. smile.gif

[ July 06, 2002, 07:25 PM: Message edited by: Major Concussion ]

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