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Got the Game!

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Very good. Thanks Redeker. I'll have to thoroughly check out the IP thing. I use computers every day in my work, but have no real technical know-how with them. I'm sort of like the character Oddball in "Kelly's Heroes". In the scene where Eastwood asks why he isn't helping to fix the tank and he replies, "Hey I just drive them. I don't know what makes them go." That's me and computers.

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Ah yes. Sodoff Baldrick. God, I love that diseased little pustule.

Allow me to take a moment for some newbie observations:

CM doesn't believe in letting you make a gradual progression in the game does it? There I was in the tutorial, which was basically a story of some guys who got together with a couple of Shermans thrown in, and they go for a walk on a nice day. Sort of like a Miller Lite commercial. Oh sure, some Germans showed up to try to steal our Frisbee and kick sand in our faces, but it was no big deal.

Then comes scenario 2: Paris in Springtime, or whatever. There I am with a baker's dozen of Shermans and a whole flock of French guys, retaking Paris.

Of course I had no idea what I was doing. I moved my units right down the middle of the street like I was marching into Paris...wait...I was marching into Paris. Well, be that as it may, right now I'm maybe halfway through the scenario and everywhere I look, burning Sherman's litter the city. (Ettiene, No! Guiles, Mon Dieu!). And what is it with sharpshooters? Does their union require them to wear big hats and flashing signs that say, "Shoot me first!"? I lost both of mine right at the start. 3rd turn and I see this little crumpled form in the middle of the road, I ask myself "Who's the dead guy? My sharpshooter?!? Sacre merde!"

I'll continue on with this scenario. Maybe play it a second time a bit more intelligently (spread out the armor, you nitwit!). I wonder what the next act in our little play will be like.

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